About Us
“So I sought for someone who would stand in the gap before me; but I found no one.”
Information technology is the fastest growing industry and despite advances in the area, there are multiple gaps in all the pieces of information that all companies have to manage.
Creative Empowering Solutions (CES) was born out of frustration and inefficient data management, a problem that every company experiences. Our products were developed in the trenches and in the heat of the battle. Not only do we develop… we use, implement, and measure the results, setting us apart from the rest. Our team is built from knowledgeable, experienced, and understanding users who are confident and aware of the vital pieces to make your workflow more efficient.
Our Story
CES was born out of the need of a new ASC who’s administrator had a background as a CPA, as well as, a healthcare consultant, using information technology to solve problems in the healthcare setting. These solutions created efficient systems and processes that reduced FTEs and improved patient outcomes. This knowledge was translated into creating efficient software that solves problems not only in the ASC setting but also in physician, hospital and dental settings.
Modern Day
In an industry first, our team has created Bots to work alongside your staff in performing the everyday tasks. It’s just like having a 6 new members on your team for a fraction of the cost. BridgeConX Bots are very talented staff and complete tasks such as, import schedules from the physician’s practice, verify your patient’s insurance, calculate patient responsibility, and automatically notify your patients of important information.
Our Mission
“To increase efficiency with seamless processes affecting the bottom line.”
Our Vision
“Standing in the gap while making connections that will impact many areas in the life of your business.”
Some of our products utilize geocoding services provided by Texas A&M Geoservices Services.